Mice Affairs Media Group, News Bureau, 03 July 2021
In its efforts to be well equipped for the New Now ,
IELA welcomes new leaders joining top decision-making positions.
The Association greets new
members on the IELA Board of Management (BOM) and IELA Committee.
IELA 2021-2022 Board of Management:
The newly-formed IELA 2021-2022 BOM welcomes 3 new faces this year for a 2-year term and
Sandi TROTTER, Business Development Director TWI Canada, Canada as re-elected Board
The following individuals are all recognized leaders in the exhibition logistics industry
and already involved in the association’s activities:
Sudhir DHAVAN, CEO, R.E. Rogers India Pvt. Ltd., India
David PALOMO, Project Manager, Suomen Messulogistiikka Oy, Finland
Bas WIENDELS, Director, Valverde B.V., Netherlands

As newly-elected members, their longstanding industry experience and innovative visions are
anticipated with enthusiasm as IELA steers towards the future.
BOM Members remaining for one more year are:
Guido FORNELLI, Managing Director - Expotrans S.p.A., Italy
Matthias DORNSCHEIDT, Vice President Global Fairs & Exhibitions -
Schenker Deutschland AG, Germany
Alexandra ERDMANN, CEO - Swiss Expo Logistics Ltd., Switzerland
Daniel MITHRAN, Director - JIM Project & Expo Logistics (M) Sdn.Bhd, Malaysia
Jacqui NEL, Director - EF-GSM South Africa, South Africa
Christoph RAUCH, Managing Director - BTG Messe-Spedition GmbH, Germany
After the announcement of the results, the IELA Chairman Guido Fornelli stated:
“I’m honoured to be the Chairman of our Association and look forward to starting work with the
newly elected Board. It is amazing to see that distance didn’t dampen, but even increased,
our enthusiasm for involvement and participation in IELA life during the last months.
The Digital Assembly and e-mail vote are definitely an experience of a new
kind this year. I strongly hope we’ll not need to repeat it in the future!!!
It is indeed so sad that we did not get the chance to meet in person as usual
and had to shift to our interesting Zoom meetings. Let’s hope we can step
into a next year and resume the work we love and which
we handle so successfully.
I can assure you that myself, the IELA Board and the Secretariat are
impatient to continue with project development and to deliver the
value we all need to overcome the Pandemic with new ideas, new
tools and new platforms for the new era!”
The 2021-2022 IELA COMMITTEE:
During the General Assembly, Greg KEH, COO of TWI Group Inc., USA and Ravinder SETHI,
Managing Director of R.E. Rogers India Pvt. Ltd., India were re-elected as Committee Member,
joining to form the 2021-2022 IELA Committee together with Lena ERICSON (former Widman),
Managing Director, On-Site Exhibitions AB, Sweden.

Elizabeth NIEHAUS, Executive Officer of IELA confirmed:
“The New Now poses new challenges to the event value chain. The exhibition and
event industry is a truly global industry made of resilient, creative and strong people. It’s
the People Factor which is the answer to all new threats. A great example is the new IELA
Board of Management, ready to take decisive actions and launch a formal transformation
programme for the association.
The IELA trademark stands for excellence and cohesion in the industry. IELA is committed
to the industry and to its members and is determined to actively promote the paramount
role of events and exhibitions for all economies worldwide more than ever.”